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In for a penny, in for a pound

Wild Canadian Swimmer

So I've got some goals in mind for this year. Some long swims - 10km, 5km, and 11.8km. That doesn't count the training in between. Last year I checked "swim across a lake" off my bucket list so this year it occurred to me that maybe I can do it again. But faster. Now, I can figure out how to get the mileage done but I've never had the patience to sit down and plot out a plan to get stronger and faster. I can download free plans and workouts but I find the lack of customization not ideal. So I've hired a coach. I have been thinking about it for a while. I haven't had one since Ironman in 2008 and the Calgary half-iron but it's tricky in such a small town to find a coach (not an instructor) for such a specific sport. Just as I was trying to get the courage up to jump in with both feet, my husband suggested the same idea. It felt like I wasn't out in left field and that nod of approval was all I needed to commit. With a job and family commitments it's hard to make that kind of decision unilaterally.

I'm in to week two now and I will say that I have missed the accountability. I have missed the challenge of a harder-than-I-thought-I-could-go workout. And I have missed identifying myself as a Person In Training. I won't count myself as an athlete yet per se but I'm working on it. In for a penny....

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